Interoceptive awareness mitigates deficits in emotional prosody recognition in Autism
ABSTRACT The sensing of internal bodily signals, a process known as interoception, contributes to subjective emotional feeling states...

Autistic people listen to their hearts to test anti-anxiety therapy
Trial seeks further proof that tuning into our internal organs' activity can reduce anxiety. A pioneering therapy aimed at lowering...

Scientists Have a Secret Weapon to Defeat Arachnophobia, And It's Hidden Inside You
Millions of people around the world are affected by arachnophobia – the unreasonable fear of spiders, which evidence suggests could be an...

Weird Science: The bizarre way to overcome your phobias
Scared of spiders? It sounds strange, but being shown one at the exact time of your heartbeat might help. And the approach could be...

Treating Phobias With Each Heartbeat
A new U.K. study finds that exposing people with phobias to their specific fear at the exact time their heart beats can lead to a...