The HeartRater Story
HeartRater provides evidence-based tools to align mind and body for managing symptoms, enhancing wellbeing, and improving performance in personal and professional pursuits.
is the Foundation Chair in Psychiatry at the Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS), and co-PI for HeartRater:Clinical. Coming from an academic background in both psychology and physiology, his life’s work has involved studying how our unconscious brains control our bodies’ responses, and conversely, how physical changes in our bodies shape our thoughts, feelings and behaviours.

is a researcher at BSMS specialising in interactions between brain and body, and how these interactions can influence our emotions and memories. Her interest in the relationship between the heart and the brain has underpinned the development of HeartRater. She’s shared her interoception expertise in interviews with CNN, the New Scientist and the BBC – memorably testing the instincts of Sir Trevor McDonald in a segment for Tomorrow’s World.

is a Consultant Psychiatrist
in the Neurodevelopmental Service at Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. Having trained in medicine at the University of Cambridge and Oxford, she completed integrated academic training in Psychiatry at Brighton and Sussex Medical School, where she undertook an MRC Clinical Research Training Fellowship. She is now a Reader in Brain-Body Medicine at the BSMS Department of Clinical Neuroscience where she leads prize winning research on a broad range of projects that link differences in the body to a variety of physical and mental health conditions, including anxiety. During COVID, with the support of an MQ/Versus Arthritis fellowship, she led a clinical trial testing an interoceptive intervention for anxiety in hypermobility, ADAPT. She is a passionate educator and committed to public engagement.​

is a neurodivergent
researcher in the Department of Clinical Neuroscience at the Brighton and Sussex Medical School. Her research focuses on brain-body interactions in neurodivergent adults, and how we can improve their lives through tailored and novel support strategies. Lisa managed the Aligning Dimensions of Interoceptive Experience (ADIE) trial and led the implementation of co-productive elements into HeartRater and was the co-PI for HeartRater:Clinical.

Why HeartRater?
World-leading research conducted at the University of Sussex
Hugo Critchley was a recipient of the Maclean Award, and was keynote speaker at both the world's first Interoception Summit and at the National Institute of Health's Blueprint Meeting on Interoception

The team are renowned in this field, having published more than 67 peer-reviewed articles on the subject, with thousands of citations
As featured on the BBC, CNN and in New Scientist